That which illumines the body
vitalizes the mind
drives the intellect,
Know this as you.
That which divides itself as time
blankets itself as space
shimmers as objects and events,
Know this as you.
That which is called I and thou
he and she
they and us,
Know this as you.
That which is never bound
never contained
never named,
Know this as you.
That which cannot be destroyed
nor ever deconstructed
as it was never built,
Know this as you.
That which thrills the cosmos
enlivens the inanimate
effervesces as life,
Know this as you.
That which is the witness
the witnessed
and neither,
Know this as you.
That which makes no sound
not a whisper
yet roars like the mighty ocean,
Know this as you.
That which sparks fire
births lightning
and ignites the sun itself,
Know this as you.
That which is here now
glistening as a world
resting within itself,
Know this as you.
That which was always home
which is always familiar
which we have never left,
Know this as you.